Need a tutor?

We got you covered!

Tutoring Services

  • Sabrina Lim (primary tutor & business owner) got a 5 on AP Chinese her freshmen year, attended Jing Mei Elementary’s dual language program and graduated from Northwest Chinese Saturday school at age 14.

  • We work primarily with Jing Mei elementary to uplift language learning, but our tutors are all accomplished and qualified to tutor your elementary schooler!

  • With all our tutors attending Newport High School, a top 4 public school in Washington, we believe we are qualified tutor you or your child at any age K-12.

  • In a series of 3 workshops, learn how to plan your highschool to maximize what YOU care about, get your questions answered an get advice from college bound seniors! (UW, NYU, Northeastern, Georgetown etc.) Fill out the form on the about page to indicate your interest for our prep course! space limited

Get in Touch

Reach out with any questions or tutoring requests. Expect a response within 1-2 business days and let us know if you signed up for our high school prep course! We are still figuring out specific dates and will cater it to your availability. Make sure you state your name, your child’s name, their grade and subject you would like tutoring in! Look forward to hearing from you